Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011


Bertahan karna harapan, cuma kata-kata ini yang bisa jadi motivasi gue dalam keadaan apapun. Selalu inget kata-kata kita berdua... "Remember our promise, I Love You" it's enough. Ngga ada yang lebih indah dari di cintai sama orang yang kita cintai itu. Kadang cuma bisa ngelus dada kalo misalkan dia ngga bisa nepatin kata-katanya, cuma bisa bersabar, ikhlasin apapun itu. Tapi gue ga boleh kaya gini, gue harus bisa jadi motivasi dia dalam segala hal apapun. Ngejalanin ldr itu ngga gampang ya, berat+susah banget. Harus punya kesabaran, kepercayaam yang ekstra ekstra lebih dari ekstra banget! Tapi gue selalu berdoa yang terbaik buat gue, dia dan kita. Ngga pernah kelepas ucapan syukur gue ke Allah... Bismillah gue bisa ngejalanin ini semua :")

Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Jadi begini ceritanya.................

Hallo ini gue si pacarnya yang punya blog ini,ini untuk pertama kali nya loh gue blogging dan saya rasa  tulisan yang ini juga gak mesti dibaca ... oke gue mau ceritain gimana sejarah nya Axl dan si idiot itu berpacaran jarak jauh jadi dulu itu tahun 2009 kira2 desember an gue lagi facebook an tuh lalu,gak tau kenapa ada nama ferina wahyu handayani di facebook gue yaudah langsung gue ke tkp gan..abis itu gue liat2 foto nya kan tuh terus makin lama makin diliat kok makin jelek makin cantik terus imut imut marmut gitu kan yaudah karena mau lihat alamat email msn nya gue ke info fb doi kan terus saya melihat dia sedang berpacaran dengan sekejap RUNTUH SEMUA HARAPAN DAN CITA CITA  gue....
dan abis itu udah deh gue keep selon selon aja deketin doi gue  add msn nya doi DAN DITERIMA karena hal itu udah agak lega an lah gue..yaudah akhir nya gue setiap malem nge greet doi ya tapi yang namanya FERINA WAHYU DARI GOA HANTU mah jutek nya mah gak ketulungan,sok,belagu,sombong mah cantik baik imut dermawan bijaksanan jadi wajar aja kalo dia ngerespon nya dingin gitu ya karena akhir nya udah mau tahun baru 2010 ya udah gue nyerah aja lah.....*setelah 6bulan kemudian sekitar bulan mei* tanda-tanda cinta itu muncul lagi ya sama kaya dulu kalo lagi gak ngapa2in gue sempet2 in liat2 profil facebook nya doi liat foto2 nya liat siapa2 aja yang genit sama dia..karena mau deket lagi kaya dulu gue beranikan diri buat nge wall dia ya basa basi gitulah lo kaya gak tau aja laki2 gimana..udah gitu dari msn an,wall facebook dll karena mau makin akrab gue minta nomer hp nya doi dan gue masih inget banget sms gue ke dia pertama kali gini

Kamis, 14 April 2011

Jealousy is simply and clearly the fear that you do not have value. Jealousy scans for evidence to prove the point - that others will be preferred and rewarded more than you. There is only one alternative - self-value. If you cannot love yourself, you will not believe that you are loved. You will always think it's a mistake or luck. Take your eyes off others and turn the scanner within. Find the seeds of your jealousy, clear the old voices and experiences. Put all the energy into building your personal and emotional security. Then you will be the one others envy, and you can remember the pain and reach out to them. -Jennifer James

Sabtu, 26 Maret 2011

Loving you

Loving you is not ment to be hard
Loving you is not ment to be sad
It's hard because I can't say it to your face and it's sad because I can't  hold you close because...we're so far apart, but what matters is that we love each other, loving you feels right. I think about you day and night it's hard and its sad loving you but STILL  you

I will be counting the days in which our lips shall meet again?
Or thy be awaiting the day we come to an end?
An end so perfect as we live our last
Breath so sweet, we forget the past
And live in that moment in which we do,
When nothing can possibly come between us two.
How much longer till thine can cherish the love I shed unto thee?
Not too much longer my love, for I can see
Us together, entwined as one
As tight as a rosebud, about to become
A blossom; the most beautiful sight the eye has seen
To live and wilt together as one being
So let not the presence of time quickly sever the months
For time is what keeps everything in this world from happening at once
Axl, I love you so much and until the day we shall meet again,
Nothing will be as sweet as awaiting the end...
Only you that I will ever love
No one but you
If only you knew
You mean more than anything..
I will not be far away for life goes on
If you ever need me
Close your eyes and you'll feel me...